2016/2017 summer in the field: a photo essay

This summer of my PhD research has mostly been spent traveling to various sites around the Wellington region surveying transects for lizards. Here’s some pictures that summarize the adventures had.

Like this research? You can help!

How can you help? Please, please, please (!) leave any flagging tape and/or lizard monitoring equipment as you found it. Disturbance of the monitoring equipment may scare off any lizards that are using it and affect the reliability of the research. If you notice someone disturbing the sites, please tell them not to if you…

Lizard garden research

Hello! Here’s an overview of my PhD research project, entitled: Can habitat enhancement (aka gardening for lizards) improve the resilience of endemic lizard populations in the presence of alien predators? Background Habitat loss is the most severe threat to global biodiversity. While reservation of pristine natural areas and restoration of degraded ecosystems are effective for…

What are all these orange flagging tapes and brown tiles about?

The quick answer is: lizard conservation research! The longer answer is as follows… Hello! You’ve probably arrived here because you came across of my field sites around the Wellington region in New Zealand. Welcome! My name is Sarah Herbert and I’m a PhD student at Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). My thesis topic is: Can…

About this blog

If you’re wondering, the somewhat cryptic title of this blog – SCritterBlog – actually stands for Sarah’s Critter Blog. Because my name is Sarah and I like critters. I’ve liked critters from an early age. And when I say critters, I actually mean pretty much anything that’s alive: be it animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, you…